Wowowonder - CD
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Barkod: 0767522971521
, Katalog No: ENJ-9715 2 , Firma: Enja
, Yayınlanma Tarihi:
Caz - Blues
Format Türü: CD, Format: 1 CD
No worries, folks — this singer, whose voice we love for quite some years now, has not developed a stutter, now that she also writes her own lyrics. <span data-scayt_word="Wo-wo-wonder" data-scaytid="1">Wo-wo-wonder</span>, the title of Lisa <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt´s" data-scaytid="2">Wahlandt´s</span> new CD, is not indicating a speech impairment. It´s just that Ms. <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt" data-scaytid="3">Wahlandt</span>, well, yes, that she wonders. She wonders at life, to put it broadly, wonders at love — lo-lo-love — in the sweetly, joyously skipping title song, wonders at the oh so common, yet for ever wondrous story of boy meets girl meets boy meets girl..., including, quite naturally, the follow-up: girl becomes a mother. The loving, working mother of a Little Boy Child, as in fact Ms. <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt" data-scaytid="4">Wahlandt</span> is by now. Could there be a nicer way for us, the singer´s audience, to share that experience than in this finely crafted, uplifting swing tune with driving brush work on the drums, solid walking bass and a piano solo respectfully quoting both The Count and The Duke?<br /> <br /> Round about half the 14 songs on Lisa <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt´s" data-scaytid="5">Wahlandt´s</span> latest installment are originals. She has tried her hand on songwriting before, yet never to such an extent. „I´d like to have that poet´s gene," she says, „like Dylan, Joni Mitchell, <span data-scayt_word="Cohen...“" data-scaytid="6">Cohen..."</span> That´s reaching high, of course. But then again, stretch and strain is what the true artist must do, per <span data-scayt_word="aspera" data-scaytid="11">aspera</span> ad <span data-scayt_word="astra" data-scaytid="12">astra</span>, as the classic saying goes. And apropos stretching: To come up, as Ms. <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt" data-scaytid="7">Wahlandt</span> does self-mockingly in „She devil of the suburbs", with lyrics that rhyme „tight stretch pants" with „DVD´s of Bruno Ganz" — that´s a feat well worthy of the best in the songwriter´s trade. She has the gift of spotting the telling details in our lives, and of connecting the dots in such a way that we feel both caught and amused, but never let down. It´s a grown woman´s wisdom that speaks to us, of love, friendship, motherhood, of life´s losses and life´s joys. And it´s a genuine poet´s talent that enables Ms. <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt" data-scaytid="8">Wahlandt</span> to leave room in her lyrics, at the right moment, for us to fill out the blanks with our own, personal imagination — as in the beautiful and mysterious ballad <span data-scayt_word="„Birdy" data-scaytid="15">„Birdy</span> friends are calling".<br /> <br /> Once again in Lisa <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt´s" data-scaytid="16">Wahlandt´s</span> oeuvre, the new CD is an entertaining and <span data-scayt_word="surpriseful" data-scaytid="22">surpriseful</span> composite of contemporary musical styles, from Jazz to <span data-scayt_word="Worldmusic" data-scaytid="23">Worldmusic</span> to songwriter pop. Seemingly disparate musical elements find together and form an artistic entity, including free-floating, syllable-bending vocal improvisations; a heartwarming rendition of Dylan´s soulful „Sister" (how glad we are to be reminded of this nugget and its time!); and including even a Beatles song: „Norwegian wood", in a version so daring in it´s tonal <span data-scayt_word="jumpyness" data-scaytid="24">jumpyness</span> and rhythmic indetermination that the singer´s peer Joni Mitchell actually might tip her hat. Ms. <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt´s" data-scaytid="17">Wahlandt´s</span> piano trio does a great job throughout. There is a feeling of friendship shining through the music, of friendship human as well as artistic. „Sometimes", says the singer, „bands are like <span data-scayt_word="lovers...“" data-scaytid="18">lovers..."</span> Very nice, Ms. <span data-scayt_word="Wahlandt" data-scaytid="19">Wahlandt</span>, we appreciate that. Keep it up! Keep it going, your singing, your songwriting, your music, your generous sharing of insights and <span data-scayt_word="fallouts" data-scaytid="27">fallouts</span>. For now, you let us off the hook, in the CD´s last song „Ocean", with a cheerful Samba — <span data-scayt_word="Sa-sa-samba" data-scaytid="28">Sa-sa-samba</span> — beat. May we, please, take this as a promise for more. <br />Eser Listesi
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