Saints and Sinners - The Music of Medieval and Renaissance Europe - CD
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Barkod: 0730099106740
, Katalog No: 8.501067 , Firma: Naxos
, Seri: Naxos CD Box Set
, Yayınlanma Tarihi:
25 Şubat 2014
Klasik Müzik
Nefesli Grubu ve Bando Müziği
Oda Müziği
Erken Dönem
20-21. Yüzyıl
Vokal Topluluğu - Koro
Format Türü: CD, Format: 10 CD
<p>In this collection of recordings, ‘early' means what it says. This is a journey through the music world of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It ends with those composers and those pieces of music that, around 1600, were shaping the sound that we call ‘baroque'. Presented chronologically, this extensive collection of works covers sacred and secular music from Italy, France, Germany, Spain, England, Flanders, Portugal and The Netherlands, from a wide range of composers.</p>Eser Listesi
- CD - 1
- 1. Tunc cantabat Moyses
- 00:08:30
- Gregorian Chant for the Dead
- 2. Gregorian Chant for the Dead: Dies irae
- 00:07:39
- 3. Planctus David
- 00:15:27
- 4. Magnificat (Regensburg, after 1250) (arr. C. Haas for voice)
- 00:03:33
- 5. O cruor sanguinis
- 00:05:53
- Ordo virtutum
- 6. Ordo virtutum: Procession
- 00:04:24
- 7. Non vos relinquam - Homo quo vigeas
- 00:07:48
- Sederunt principes
- 8. Sederunt principes (4-part organum - plainchant)
- 00:13:31
- Cantiga No. 10, "Rosa das rosas"
- 9. Cantigas de Santa Maria: Entre Av'e Eva, CSM 60
- 00:02:22
- 10. Laudario di Cortona: Venite a laudare (Come and praise)
- 00:02:44
- CD - 2
- 1. Bache, bene venies
- 00:05:55
- 2. Quan vei la lauzeta mover
- 00:06:03
- Ja nuls hom pres (arr. J. Ferrero)
- 3. Ja nuls hom pres (arr. J. Ferrero for voice and chamber ensemble)
- 00:06:00
- Nu alrest leb ich mir werde, "Palastinalied" (arr. J. Ferrero)
- 4. Nu alrest leb ich mir werde, "Palastinalied" (arr. J. Ferrero for voice and chamber ensemble)
- 00:05:24
- Mir ist ummaten leyde (I am grieved beyond all measure) (arr. M. Lewon)
- 5. Mir ist ummaten leyde (I am grieved beyond all measure) (arr. M. Lewon for voice and vielle en luth)
- 00:05:27
- Le jeu de Robin et de Marion (The Play of Robin and Marion) (1285)
- 6. Scene 1: Marion is happily minding her own business…Robins m'aime
- 00:03:02
- 7. Scene 1: Je me repairoie
- 00:00:39
- 8. Scene 1: He Robin
- 00:00:22
- Virtuoso Dance Music from the Time of Boccaccio's Decamerone
- 9. Saltarello No. 2
- 00:01:50
- 10. Saltarello No. 3
- 00:00:55
- Non ara may pieta questa mia dona (arr. for chamber ensemble)
- 11. Codex Faenza: Non ara may pieta questa mia dona (arr. for chamber ensemble)
- 00:03:32
- 12. Parvulus nobis nascitur, PC 1625
- 00:02:31
- 13. Angelus ad virginem
- 00:01:51
- Pilgrim Songs from the Monastery of Montserrat [1400-1420] (1420)
- 14. Pilgrim Songs from the Monastery of Montserrat (1400-1420): O Maria, maris stella
- 00:03:17
- Messe de Nostre Dame (1341)
- 15. La Messe de Nostre Dame: Kyrie
- 00:08:39
- Mass of Tournai
- 16. Mass of Tournai: Gloria
- 00:06:37
- Credo, JD12
- 17. Credo a 4, JD12
- 00:08:46
- CD - 3
- Missa L'homme arme (1460)
- 1. Veni Sancte Spiritus
- 00:02:22
- 2. Jubilate Deo
- 00:03:14
- Missa L'homme arme (1460)
- 3. Missa L'Homme arme: Sanctus
- 00:08:22
- 4. Missa L'homme arme: Agnus Dei
- 00:09:16
- Missa quarti toni
- 5. Agnus Dei
- 00:03:55
- Missa Caput (1445)
- 6. Missa Caput: Agnus Dei
- 00:10:28
- 7. Wer ich eyn falck - Invicto regi jubilo
- 00:04:55
- 8. Dies est laetitiae
- 00:05:39
- Adam von Fulda, Anonymous
- Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen (Innsbruck, I must leave you) (1583)
- 9. Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen
- 00:02:14
- 10. Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen
- 00:04:41
- Zucht Eer und Lob
- 11. Zucht, eer und lob
- 00:01:47
- Paul Hofhaimer, Hans Kotter
- 12. Myns liefkens bruyn ooghen
- 00:03:40
- Chansons (arr. for voice and chamber ensemble)
- 13. Chansons: Vergene bella (arr. for voice and chamber Ensemble)
- 00:04:20
- 14. Se la face ay pale
- 00:02:29
- 15. Se la face ay pale
- 00:01:18
- The Buxheim Organ Book: Chanson and basse danse intabulations
- 16. The Buxheim Organ Book: Chanson and basse danse intabulations: Gilles Binchois: Qui veut mesdire (128)
- 00:03:26
- Noel, noel
- 17. Noel
- 00:01:56
- 18. Fortuna desperata
- 00:01:53
- CD - 4
- 1. Memor esto verbi tui
- 00:13:14
- Salve regina IV
- 2. Salve regina, mater misericordiae
- 00:02:05
- 3. Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Hevae
- 00:01:46
- 4. Eia, ergo, advocata nostra
- 00:02:16
- 5. O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria
- 00:02:02
- Jamais, jamais, jamais (1501)
- 6. Jamais
- 00:03:24
- Oy comamos y bebamos
- 7. Hoy comamos y bebamos
- 00:04:07
- 8. Or vien ca, vien, m'amye
- 00:02:16
- 9. En ce mois delicieux
- 00:02:40
- Margot labourez les vignes (1554)
- 10. Margot, labourez les vignes
- 00:01:07
- 11. Ego flos campi
- 00:05:54
- Ricercar No. 26 - Fantasia, GAC, fol. 57
- 12. Ricercar, No. 26 - Fantasia, GAC, fol. 57
- 00:03:44
- 13. Fantasia sexta
- 00:01:59
- Ricercare No. 84
- 14. Ricercar No. 84
- 00:00:52
- 15. Ricercar decimoquinto
- 00:03:01
- 16. Vecchie letrose non valete niente
- 00:00:55
- 17. Christus resurgens
- 00:04:05
- 18. Magnificat
- 00:07:21
- Danza alta, sobre "la Spagna"
- 19. Danza alta
- 00:01:40
- Fantasia No. 1 (1536)
- 20. Fantasia I
- 00:01:43
- Fantasia No. 2 (1536)
- 21. Fantasia II
- 00:01:48
- Libro de musica de vihuela de mano intitulado El maestro (1536)
- 22. Music for Vihuela: Pavana V
- 00:01:15
- 23. Tiento
- 00:01:46
- 24. Fantasia VIII
- 00:01:48
- Fantasia del segundo tono (1538)
- 25. Music for Vihuela: Cum sancto spiritu
- 00:02:14
- CD - 5
- 1. There is no rose
- 00:04:33
- 2. Jesus autem transiens - Credo in Deum
- 00:05:45
- A robyn, gentyl robyn
- 3. Ah! Robin
- 00:04:11
- 4. In Nomine
- 00:02:21
- Euge bone Mass
- 5. Missa Euge bone: Sanctus
- 00:07:20
- 6. Spem in alium
- 00:12:10
- 7. Gloria tibi Trinitas (version for organ)
- 00:01:34
- A Song Called Trumpets
- 8. The Song called Trumpets
- 00:02:09
- Mass a 5 (1595)
- 9. Kyrie
- 00:01:48
- 10. Gloria
- 00:05:39
- 11. Credo
- 00:09:31
- 12. Sanctus
- 00:04:20
- 13. Agnus Dei
- 00:04:01
- Paget Pavan and Galliard in C Minor (1590)
- 14. Paget Pavan and Galliard in C Minor: Paget Pavan
- 00:07:11
- 15. Gaude Maria Virgo
- 00:03:07
- CD - 6
- 1. In Nomine, "Fantasia"
- 00:04:02
- Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke (1607)
- 2. Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke: The Virgins muse, The Lady Arbellaes favoret
- 00:04:53
- 3. Pavan No. 2
- 00:03:50
- 4. A Galliard
- 00:01:50
- 5. The Marigold Pavan
- 00:04:12
- 6. Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs
- 00:04:03
- 7. The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard, P. 40
- 00:03:05
- 8. Semper Dowland semper dolens, H. 8
- 00:06:40
- When David heard (1622)
- 9. When David heard that Absalom was slain
- 00:05:18
- 10. In nomine
- 00:03:03
- 11. Hard by a cristall fountaine
- 00:04:07
- 12. Fantasia (6 / 320)
- 00:03:36
- 13. My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love
- 00:04:41
- 14. As Vesta was, from Latmos hill descending
- 00:03:45
- When Kempe did dance alone (Robin Hood, Maid Marian and Little John are gone)
- 15. When Kempe did dance alone (or 'Robin Hood, Maid Marian and Little John are gone')
- 00:01:27
- 16. Variation on Robin Is To the Greenwood Gone
- 00:02:13
- 17. Draw on sweet night
- 00:05:15
- 18. O clap your hands
- 00:05:06
- The silver swanne (1612)
- 19. The silver swan
- 00:01:20
- CD - 7
- 1. Audivi vocem de caelo
- 00:03:24
- Missa pro defunctis (1625)
- 2. Missa pro defunctis: Introitus
- 00:06:26
- Missa O Soberana luz
- 3. Missa O Soberana luz: Gloria
- 00:03:32
- 4. Lesson I for Good Friday
- 00:06:24
- Anchor che col partire (arr. for lute) (1584)
- 5. Ancor che col partire (arr. for lute)
- 00:03:41
- Anchor che col partire (Though in parting I die) (arr. E.N. Ammerbach)
- 6. Ancor che col partire
- 00:02:44
- Ricercare No. 2
- 7. Ricercare secondo
- 00:05:17
- 8. Rore - Madrigale, "Anchor che co'l partire" (Libro Terzo, 1596)
- 00:04:01
- 9. Lassus - Canzona, "Susanne un jour" (Libro Quinto, 1605)
- 00:04:24
- 10. Ancor che col partire - Variations on a madrigal by Cipriano de Rore
- 00:02:56
- 11. Prelude
- 00:00:56
- 12. Fantasia
- 00:02:03
- 13. Galliard
- 00:01:47
- Cantique de Simeon (1560)
- 14. Cantique de Simeon (tr. Clement Marot)
- 00:01:53
- Psaume 25, "A toy mon Dieu mon coeur monte"
- 15. Psaume 25: A toy mon Dieu mon coeur monte
- 00:02:10
- Missa Bell' Amfitrit' altera
- 16. Missa Bell' Amfitrit' altera: Gloria
- 00:05:14
- Missa Entre vous filles (1581)
- 17. Missa Entre vous filles: Sanctus
- 00:06:07
- 18. Domine Dominus noster
- 00:02:51
- Lagrime di San Pietro (Tears of San Pietro) (1595)
- 19. Il Magnanimo Pietro
- 00:02:20
- 20. Vide homo
- 00:04:12
- CD - 8
- 1. Magnificat primi toni
- 00:11:38
- 2. Vadam et circumibo civitatem a 6
- 00:11:25
- Missa O magnum mysterium (1592)
- 3. Kyrie
- 00:01:14
- 4. Gloria
- 00:03:14
- 5. Credo
- 00:05:10
- 6. Sanctus
- 00:04:32
- 7. Agnus Dei
- 00:04:02
- 8. O magnum mysterium
- 00:04:26
- 9. Versa est in luctum
- 00:05:15
- 10. Cantate Domino
- 00:01:42
- Terpsichore* (1612)
- 11. Galliarde
- 00:01:21
- 12. Bransle Gay - Bransle de Montirande
- 00:02:36
- 13. La Bouree
- 00:02:31
- Terpsichore (arr. H. Baumer) (1612)
- 14. Courante
- 00:02:21
- Terpsichore* (1612)
- 15. Volte
- 00:01:35
- 16. Mein junges Leben hat ein End, SwWV 324
- 00:06:25
- Hodie Christus natus est, SwWV 163 (Live) (1619)
- 17. Hodie Christus natus est, SwWV 163
- 00:03:46
- CD - 9
- Missa Papae Marcelli (1567)
- 1. Kyrie
- 00:04:38
- 2. Gloria
- 00:05:37
- 3. Credo
- 00:08:33
- 4. Sanctus
- 00:08:56
- 5. Agnus Dei
- 00:08:04
- 6. Toccata seconda del primo tono
- 00:13:41
- 7. Canzon in echo a 12 (arr. E. Crees for brass)
- 00:03:26
- Sacrae symphoniae (excerpts) (arr. E. Crees for brass) (1597)
- 8. Sacrae symphoniae: Sonata pian e forte a 8 (arr. E. Crees for brass)
- 00:05:09
- 9. Sacrae symphoniae: Canzon noni toni a 8 (arr. E. Crees for brass)
- 00:03:12
- 10. Hodie Christus natus est a 10
- 00:04:17
- Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo (Representation of Soul and Body) (1600)
- 11. Prologue
- 00:01:34
- 12. Act I Scene 4: Anima mia che pensi? (Body)
- 00:06:14
- CD - 10
- Amarilli mia bella (My beautiful Amaryllis) (1601)
- 1. Amarilli, mia bella
- 00:03:16
- 2. O vos omnes
- 00:03:57
- 3. Mentre madonna il lasso fianco posa
- 00:02:39
- Mentre madonna il lasso fianco posa (1594)
- 4. Ahi, troppo saggia nell'errar
- 00:02:56
- 5. O dolorosa gioia
- 00:04:49
- 6. Se tu parti da me (If you leave me)
- 00:04:14
- Il zabaione musicale (1604)
- 7. I. Introduzione
- 00:01:30
- 8. Atto I: II. Prologo: l'Humor spensierato
- 00:00:46
- 9. Atto I: III. Intermedio di felici pastori, a due cori
- 00:01:36
- 10. Atto I: IV. Progne e Filomena
- 00:01:36
- 11. Atto I: V. Danza di pastorelle, in aria del spagnoletto, con le riprese nella cornamusa
- 00:01:05
- Libro IV d'intavolatura di chitarrone (1677)
- 12. Libro IV d'intavolatura di chitarrone: Passacaglia
- 00:09:13
- Vattene pur, crudel, con quella pace (1592)
- 13. 1a parte - Vattene pur crudel
- 00:02:09
- 14. 2a parte - La tra'l sangue e le morti egro giacente
- 00:03:21
- 15. 3a parte - Poi ch'ella in se torno, deserto e muto
- 00:03:36
- L'Orfeo (X) (1607)
- 16. Toccata
- 00:01:55
- 17. Act I: Chorus: Lasciate i monti
- 00:03:04
- 18. Act V: Orpheus: Questi i campi
- 00:08:38
- 19. Act V: Moresca
- 00:00:51
- Vespro della Beata Vergine, "composti sopra canti fermi" (1610)
- 20. Domine ad adiuvandum
- 00:02:06
- 21. Psalm 109: Dixit Dominus
- 00:07:25
- 22. Concerto: Nigra sum
- 00:03:18
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