Korngold: Songs, Vol. 1 - CD
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Barkod: 0747313202775
, Katalog No: 8.572027 , Firma: Naxos
, Yayınlanma Tarihi:
5 Nisan 2011
Format Türü: CD, Format: 1 CD
<p>The precociously gifted Korngold followed in the footsteps of the great late romantic composers Richard Strauss, Mahler and Pfitzner, his unwavering commitment to refined melody, ravishing harmony and formal coherence earning him the reputation of a musical anomaly in the face of the rising avant garde. Yet these very characteristics now drive immense interest in his music, among which the varied songs on this album rank among his most intimate and imaginative small-scale works. This new Naxos series is set to reveal countless treasures, worthy to be heard beside those of Schubert, Schumann, Brahms and Wolf.</p>Eser Listesi
- 3 Lieder, Op. 22 (1929)
- 1. No. 1. Was Du mir bist … (What Are You To Me?)
- 00:03:16
- 2. No. 2. Mit Dir zu schweigen … (To be Silent When I'm With You)
- 00:02:10
- 3. No. 3. Welt ist stille eingeschlafen … (The World Has Gone To Sleep)
- 00:02:27
- Unverganglichkeit (The Eternal), Op. 27 (1933)
- 4. No. 1. Unverganglichkeit I (Immortality I)
- 00:02:15
- 5. No. 2. Das eilende Bachlein (The Rushing Little Stream)
- 00:01:35
- 6. No. 3. Das schlafende Kind (The Sleeping Child)
- 00:01:53
- 7. No. 4. Starker als der Tod (Stronger than Death)
- 00:01:59
- 8. No. 5. Unverganglichkeit II (Immortality II)
- 00:02:37
- Songs of the Clown, Op. 29 (1937)
- 9. No. 1. Come Away, Death
- 00:02:16
- 10. No. 2. O Mistress Mine
- 00:02:04
- 11. No. 3. Adieu, Good Man Devil
- 00:00:44
- 12. No. 4. Hey Robin
- 00:00:49
- 13. No. 5. For the Rain, It Raineth Every Day
- 00:03:14
- 4 Lieder, Op. 31 (1937)
- 14. No. 1. Desdemona's Song
- 00:02:59
- 15. No. 2. Under the Greenwood Tree
- 00:01:54
- 16. No. 3. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
- 00:02:17
- 17. No. 4. When Birds Do Sing
- 00:02:57
- 12 Lieder, "So Gott und Papa will" (1911)
- 18. No. 1. Das Standchen (Serenade) (also as Op. 9, No. 3)
- 00:02:15
- 19. No. 2. Winternacht (Winter Night)
- 00:02:30
- 20. No. 3. Das Madchen (The Girl)
- 00:01:30
- 21. No. 4. Abendlandschaft (Evening Landscape)
- 00:01:31
- 22. No. 5. Schneeglockchen (Snowdrops) (also as Op. 9, No. 1)
- 00:03:01
- 23. No. 6. Aussicht (Outlook)
- 00:01:20
- 24. No. 7. Die Sperlinge (The Sparrows)
- 00:01:10
- 25. No. 8. Nachtwanderer (Night Wanderer) (also as Op. 9, No. 2)
- 00:02:52
- 26. No. 9. Der Friedensbote (The Messenger of Peace)
- 00:01:13
- 27. No. 10. Vom Berge (From The Mountain)
- 00:01:43
- 28. No. 11. Waldeinsamkeit (Woodland Solitude)
- 00:02:05
- 29. No. 12. Sangesmut (The Spirit of Singing)
- 00:01:13
- 6 Einfache Lieder, Op. 9: Nos. 4-6 (1913)
- 30. No. 4. Liebesbriefchen (A Little Love Letter)
- 00:01:55
- 31. No. 5. Das Heldengrab am Pruth (The Hero's Grave at Pruth)
- 00:02:54
- 32. No. 6. Sommer (Summer)
- 00:02:54
- Angedenken
- 33. Angedenken (Remembrance)
- 00:01:56
- 34. Vesper
- 00:03:08
- Reiselied (1911)
- 35. Reiselied (Travelling Song)
- 00:01:22
- Der Geniale (1915)
- 36. Der Geniale (The Genius)
- 00:00:56
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